「貧窮、匱乏與社會排斥– 香港與澳州的情況」研討會

「探索海外扶貧經驗」研討會系列研討會(2)  -「貧窮、匱乏與社會排斥 – 香港與澳州情況


研討會將於2011年11月14日(星期一)下午2時30分至4時30分於香港灣仔軒尼詩道15 號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈4樓演講廳舉行。進行上述研究的學者黃洪博士(香港中文大學社會工作學系副教授)及澳洲學者 Peter Saunders 教授(Research Professor in Social Policy, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales)將介紹研究結果,周永新教授(香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系講座教授將就有關匱乏的研究及其對香港貧窮問題的啟示作出回應。


如欲參加,請填妥附上的報名表,於2011年11月7日或以前以電郵(connie.chan@hkcss.org.hk)、傳真 (傳真號碼: 2864 2999)或網上登記形式(http://www.poverty.org.hk/sem-nov14-11)回覆。如有垂詢,請致電 2876 2473 與黃慧賢小姐聯絡。

Seminar Series on Exploring International Experience on Poverty Eradication: Seminar (2) “Understanding Poverty by Measuring Deprivation and Social Exclusion – Cases of Hong Kong and Australia

Level of income is one of the most important dimensions of poverty and it is usually used as indicator on poverty measurement. With the recent research on deprivation and social exclusion in Hong Kong, we can understand the problem from another aspect, which captures real life experience – difficulties and limitation met in daily life of people in poverty. The findings can broaden our understanding on the problem and facilitate the formulation of poverty eradicating strategies.

The seminar will be held on Monday, November 14, 2011 from 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. at Lecture Hall, 4/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Bldg., 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai. We have invited the principal researchers of the study, Dr. WONG Hung (Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Professor Peter Saunders (Research Professor in Social Policy, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales)to share with us the research above mentioned. Professor Nelson Chow (Chair Professor in Social Work and Social Administration, University of Hong Kong) will respond with reference to the findings and on policy implications..

Agency members and grassroots organizations are cordially invited to join the seminar. Please refer to the attached program for details. If you are interested, please register online (http://www.poverty.org.hk/sem-nov14-11) or complete and return the attached registration form to the Council on or before November 7, 2011 , either by email (connie.chan@hkcss.org.hk) or by fax (Fax No.: 2864 2999).

For enquiries, please contact Ms. Dorothy WONG at 2876 2473.

Thank you.


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