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An Inculsive Society? 基本生活@社聯扶貧資訊網電子通訊2013年12月
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Among the South and Southeast Asian Households in Hong Kong in 2011, including Pakistani, Nepalese, Indian, Indonesian, Fillipino, Thai. % to the whole Population is 1.7%, Poverty Rate is 23.9%.
Improve the Education, Employment and Upward mobility of Ethnic Minorities (EM) in Hong Kong. EM groups face difficulties in livelihood, education and employment. Language barrier is the key factor affecting their education, employment and upward mobility.
Recommendations: 1.Increase language and vocational training and job opportunities for Ems. 2. Support EM students; ensure support for learning Chinese language starting from pre-primary education. 3. Increase the capacity of public services and social services to serve EM groups.
one world--wall painting by EM children
Please download the report “Poverty situation of South and Southeast Asian Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong” for more details.
Report on “Poverty situation of South and Southeast Asian Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong”graphic
Report on “Poverty situation of South and Southeast Asian Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong”Download nowinclusion
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